Ejercicios reported speech 1 bachillerato pdf

1. She said (that) he worked in a bank. 2. She told me (that) they went (had gone) out last night 

1 REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES INTO REPORTED SPEECH. 1. "Don't shout at me", she told him angrily. She told him 2. "Don't bathe when the red flag is flying" the lifeguard said to us.

Students will become familiar with verb tense changes required for formal reported speech. Contents. Warm-up activity. Power Point slides 1-7. Student Exercises 

REPORTED SPEECH | ENGLISH FOR BACHILLERATO verbs for reported speech 1 2 rephrasing: affirmative 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 rephrasing: questions: 1 2 3 rephrasing: imperative 1 2 mixed sentences 1 2 REPORTED SPEECH COMMANDS AND REQUESTS REPORTED SPEECH COMMANDS AND REQUESTS 1. 1.’Don’t put sticky things in your pocket,’ said his mother. His mother … 2. ‘Please, don’t do anything dangerous,’ said his wife. Reported speech 1 Put these STATEMENTS into reported … Reported speech • Self-study exercises Bachillerato 1 1 Put these STATEMENTS into reported speech. 1 "I can't swim very well," I told her. 2 "Mr Mason has gone out," the secretary told me.

1, 9 abr. 2012 8:51, Harry Teacher. Ċ, 20.1- ESTILO INDIRECTO. REPORTED SPEECH. OTRAS FUNCIONES LINGÜÍSTICAS RESPUESTAS.pdf 1 May 2012 may2012.pdf. GrammarNet. Complete the sentences in indirect speech, using these reporting verbs: admit, advise, complain He apologised for forgetting to buy some stamps. 1. “Yes, it was me who took your pen.” He … Burlington Books is one of Europe's most respected publishers of English be going to, Present Continuous with future meaning 1 Reported speech 1 26 Jul 2017 1/2…… . Hay dos formas distintas de relatar lo que una persona ha dicho: Estilo DIRECTO o INDIRECTO. REPORTED SPEECH. Exercise 1. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech, as in the example. 1. “There is no one at home”, he said. He said (that) there was  Grammar videos: Reported speech – exercises. 1. Check your grammar: matching. Draw a line to match the direct and indirect (reported) speech forms.

1 May 2012 may2012.pdf. GrammarNet. Complete the sentences in indirect speech, using these reporting verbs: admit, advise, complain He apologised for forgetting to buy some stamps. 1. “Yes, it was me who took your pen.” He … Burlington Books is one of Europe's most respected publishers of English be going to, Present Continuous with future meaning 1 Reported speech 1 26 Jul 2017 1/2…… . Hay dos formas distintas de relatar lo que una persona ha dicho: Estilo DIRECTO o INDIRECTO. REPORTED SPEECH. Exercise 1. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech, as in the example. 1. “There is no one at home”, he said. He said (that) there was  Grammar videos: Reported speech – exercises. 1. Check your grammar: matching. Draw a line to match the direct and indirect (reported) speech forms. reported speech. 1. Complete the sentences using the correct time expression. a. We said, 'We will go tomorrow.' We said that we would go the following day. b.


REVISING EXERCISES- 1º bachillerato 2013-2014. (tienes las 6) REPORTED SPEECH: Change the sentences into reported speech. 1) “I have lost the map,”  17 Abr 2017 lunes, 17 de abril de 2017. REPORTED SPEECH EXERCISES + KEY (2º BACHILLERATO). Exercise 1. REPORTED  Reported speech - step by step * Step 1 * Grammar part 1 Carta En Ingles Cursos inglés Irlanda & Collins-Direct / Indirect Speech Bachillerato, Secundaria, Escuela, Puedes hacer los ejercicios online o descargar la ficha como pdf. Alumnos de 1º Bachillerato de Humanidades desde Gallardo Gómez A.T hasta infinitivos y gerundios (09-10-2019) Teoría y ejercicios – Marta López Erades pdf · Rephrasing Passive Voice (ejercicios) y soluciones Rephrasing Passive Voice Terminar los «REPORTED SPEECH REPHRASINGS» que empezamos el  En esta sección encontrarás archivos de ejercicios y temas de Bachillerato. 1, 17 mar. 2012 14:55, Kike Alía. Ċ, REPORTED SPEECH. QUESTIONS.pdf

26 Jul 2017 1/2…… . Hay dos formas distintas de relatar lo que una persona ha dicho: Estilo DIRECTO o INDIRECTO.

Burlington Books is one of Europe's most respected publishers of English be going to, Present Continuous with future meaning 1 Reported speech 1

Descargar ejercicio estilo indirecto PDF en inglés con soluciones incluidas. También puede REPORTED-SPEECH---EXERCISE-1.pdf. Documento Adobe  

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